ERP.Diawan Docs

ERP.Diawan Docs

April 22, 2024


POS, Inventory, Accounting Application

ERP.Diawan is a comprehensive web application designed for Point of Sale (POS), Inventory management, and Accounting. Built using Laravel and Vue.js, it addresses the requirements of small and medium-sized businesses and organizations.

With the newly released version v4, we have undergone significant enhancements to the application, rendering it even more versatile and suitable for a diverse spectrum of businesses.


The dashboard or homepage is designed to provide authenticated users with an informative overview of the system. It serves as a central hub where users can access key insights into system performance. Our dashboard features an elegant and user-friendly interface, offering customers quick access to vital information such as Revenue, Sale Return, Purchase Return, and Profit data for today, the last 7 days, the current month, and the current year, all available at a glance with just one click.

It’s important to note that when you initially access the dashboard, the statistics and charts will appear empty. However, as you start adding data to the system, these statistics and charts will populate, providing you with valuable insights into your system’s performance.

You can effortlessly navigate to various modules and sections of the system using the left-side navigation menu, making it convenient to access the specific functionalities you need.

Dashboard Statistics and Charts
You can find the details about every statistic and Chart below.

As the default setting, the summary widget on your dashboard will provide you with a daily overview of several key financial aspects, including purchase, purchase returns, sales, sales returns, client payments, supplier payments, expenses, and balance transfers.

To customize the view, you can utilize the filter options located on the right-hand side of the widget. These filters allow you to switch between different time intervals, enabling you to view weekly, monthly, and yearly summaries, depending on your preference and analytical needs.

Top Selling Products
For personalized viewing options, you have the flexibility to make use of the filter controls situated on the right-hand side of the widget. These filters empower you to seamlessly switch between various time intervals, giving you the ability to access weekly, monthly, and yearly summaries according to your specific preferences and analytical requirements.
Recent Activities
The “Recent Activities” widget is designed to display a snapshot of the most recent activities within the system. It provides a quick overview of the six most recent invoices, purchases, expenses, and transactions. However, if you wish to access the complete list of activities, you can easily navigate to the respective pages using the left sidebar menu. This allows you to review all the details and transactions in a more comprehensive manner.
Payment Sent vs Payment Received
The “Payment Sent vs. Payment Received” Line chart provides a monthly comparison between the payments sent and received for the current year. In this comparison:

  • “Payment Received” encompasses client payments and loan payments marked as received.
  • “Payment Sent” includes supplier payments and loan payments marked as sent.

This chart offers a visual representation of the balance between payments sent and received each month, allowing you to track and analyze financial trends throughout the year.

Top 5 Clients Leaderboard
The “Top 5 Clients Leaderboard” presents a list of the top 5 customers based on their maximum purchasing amounts. It displays the names of these customers along with their respective total purchase amounts and the total number of invoices they have generated for the current year. This leaderboard offers valuable insights into your most significant customer relationships and their contributions to your business during the ongoing year.
Stock Alert
The “Stock Alert” table provides information about up to six products that currently have stock available. These products are listed in ascending order based on their stock quantities. This feature allows you to quickly identify products that may be running low in stock, ensuring that you can manage your inventory effectively and avoid any potential shortages.
Sales vs Purchases
The “Sales vs Purchases” Bar chart offers a monthly comparison between the total sales and total purchases, with the amounts calculated after deducting the sale returns and purchase returns. This chart provides a clear visual representation of the net sales revenue and net purchase expenses for each month, helping you analyze the financial performance of your business over time.


After the successful installation, you need to set up basic things in order to run the system properly. The setup page contains the page links to General settings, Roles & Permissions, Currencies, Units, VAT Rates, Brands, and Payment Methods. You need to add Roles & Permissions, Units, VAT Rates, and Brands for running the real-time system.

General Settings:
From this page, the site system owner can change the settings of the system. For more details check the below screenshot and descriptions.

You need to enter the following information for system setup.
Company Name => Enter the name of your company. Please keep it max 30 characters. It will be dispalyed in the front page.
Compnay Tagline => Tagline of the system. Please keep it max 80 characters.
Email Address => Company email address. The email address will be use in the invoice page.
Phone Number => Company phone number. The phone number will be use in the invoice page.
Address => Company address. The address will be use in the invoice page.
Client Prefix => The prefix of your client number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Supplier Prefix => The prefix of your supplier number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Employee Prefix => The prefix of your employee number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Product Category Prefix => The prefix of your product category number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Product Sub Category Prefix => The prefix of your product sub category number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Product Prefix => The prefix of your product number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Expense Category Prefix => The prefix of your expense category number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Expense Sub Category Prefix => The prefix of your expense sub category number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Purchase Prefix => The prefix of your purchase number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Purchase Return Prefix => The prefix of your purchase return number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Quotation Prefix => The prefix of your quotation number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Invoice Prefix => The prefix of your invoice number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Invoice Return Prefix => The prefix of your invoice return number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Invoice Adjustment Prefix => The prefix of your invoice adjustment number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Default Currency => Default Currency of the system. Select a currency from the list.
Default Language => Default Language of the system. Select a language from the list.
Copyright Text => Copyright Text. You can enter any text. Max 255 characters.
White Logo => The logo will be displayed in the left sidebar on dark mode. We recommend you to use image size 160px X 40px
Black Logo => The logo will be displayed in the left sidebar on light mode. We recommend you to use image size 160px X 40px
Small Logo => The small Logo of the sytem. The logo will be displayed when you click on the toggle bar and toogle the navbar. We recommend you to use image size 40px X 40px
Favicon Icon => The icon that will be dispalyed on the browser tab. We recommend you to use image size 512px X 512px

Other Settings:
The things that you need to know about Roles & Permissions, Currencies, Units, VAT Rates, Brands.

Mail Configuration
With the release of version 4.0.0, we are excited to introduce mail notification functionality. This new feature empowers you to easily notify your clients and suppliers about their invoices, purchases, and payments. To leverage this capability, it’s essential to configure your email settings, ensuring seamless communication.
SMS Configuration
Introducing the latest advancement in version 4.0.0 – SMS notification capability. This exciting addition allows you to effortlessly inform your clients and suppliers about their invoices, purchases, and payments via SMS. To harness this functionality, it’s crucial to set up your email preferences for smooth communication. Notably, we’ve integrated Twilio for SMS notifications, necessitating an update to your SMS configuration in alignment with your Twilio settings.
Roles & Permissions
Roles & Permissions are related to employee authentication. You can create a role and assign necessary permissions for the role. Later you can assign the role to an employee.
You can create single or multiple currencies and later you can select your default currency from the general settings option. The default currency is USD but you can change it to your currency.
Units settings are related to the products. You must create at least one unit to create products. While creating a product you will be able to select a unit for the product.
VAT Rates
VAT Rates settings are related to the products, purchases, and sales. You must create at least one VAT Rate to run the system. If you don’t want to use any VAT Rates then you may create a vat rate with a 0% rate and then use this rate for products, purchases, and sales.
Brands settings are related to the products. You must create at least one brand to create products. While creating a product you will be able to select a brand for the product.


Products are the most important elements of the system. After completing your setup you need to create your products. In order to create a product, you must create a category and sub-category first. To add stock you have to purchase that product. The product purchase price will be calculated automatically based on the purchase history.

Required fields to create a product
Item Name => Name of the item. You can enter any name.
Item code => Item code that will be used for the barcode. The code will be generated automatically. But if you want you can use your own code.
Barcode Symbology => Symbology for the product barcode. Select a Symbology from the list.
Unit => Product unit. Select a unit from the list.
Product Tax => Tax for this product. If you don’t want to use any tax then create a vat rate with a 0% rate and then select the rate here.
Tax Type => Select a tax type. If you select inclusive then the selling price will be the same as the regular price and the Tax will be included within the price. But if you select exclusive then tax will be added with the regular price so the selling price will increase.
Regular Price => Your product price. The selling price will be calculated based on the regular price.

Product Categories

Product Sub Categories

Product List

Create Product

Edit Product

Product details

Print Barcode


Clients module help you to manage your clients. You can create, edit and delete clients. You can see the client invoices, returns, payments, and non invoice transactions from the client view page.

Required fields to create a client
Name => Name of the client. You can enter any name.
Contact Number => Client contact number.

Client List

Create Client

Edit Client

Client Details


Suppliers module help you to manage your suppliers. You can create, edit and delete suppliers. You can see the supplier purchases, returns, payments, and non invoice transactions from the supplier view page.

Required fields to create a supplier
Name => Name of the supplier. You can enter any name.
Contact Number => Supplier contact number.

Suppliers List

Create Supplier

Edit Supplier

Supplier Details


Employees module helps you to manage your employees. You can create, edit and delete employees. You can see the employee payroll and increment history from the employee view page. You can also create also salary increments for the employees. In order to create an employee, you must create a department first. While creating an employee you can allow or disallow employee login and assign any role to an employee.

Required fields to create an employee
Employee Name => Name of the employee. You can enter any name.
Department => Department of this employee. Select a department from the list.
Designation => Designation of this employee. Enter any designation.
Contact Number => Employee contact number.
Salary => Employee current salary.
Gender => Select a gender from the list.
Email(If you want to allow login.) => Email that will be used to login in to the system. If you want to give this employee login access. Please enter a unique email.
Password(If you want to allow login.) => Password that will be used to login in to the system. If you want to give this employee login access. Please enter a strong password.
Role(If you want to allow login.) => Select a role for this employee. The emplyee will get access to the moduels based on the role and permisions.

Employee List

Create Employee

Edit Employee

Employee Details


Accounts module helps to link all your transactions to the accounts. You must create at least one account to run the system because all the payments must be done under an account. After creating an account you can add non invoice balance from the “Add Balance” module. This will add balance into your accoaunt and later you will be able to use the account balanbce for expenases, payments etc.

Required fields to create an account
Bank Name => Name of your bank. Type bank name as plain text.
Account Number => Your bank account number. Type account number as plain text.

Account List

Account Create

Account Transactions

Add Balance

Balance Transfers

Balance Transfers module helps you to transfer balance from one account to another account. To create a balance transfer you must select 2 different accounts.

Required fields to create a balance transfer
Transfer Reason => Reason for the transfer. Type any reason as plain text.
From Account =>The paying account from where you are transferring the balance.
To Account => The receiving account.

Balance Transfers List

Balance Transfers


Expense management module allow you to manage your company expenses. All expenses are connected with accounts. In order to create any expense, you need to create Expense Categories, Expense Sub Categories and Account first.

Required fields to create an expense
Expense Reason => Reason for your expense. Type any reason as plain text.
Category Name => Sub category for this expense. Select any sub category from the list.
Account => The account that you want to use for this expense. Select an account from the list. The available balance must be greater than the expense amount.

Expense Categories List

Expense Sub categories List

Expenses List

Create Expense

Edit Expense

Expense Details


Purchase management module allow you to manage purchases for your products. By creating purchases the stock quantity of products will be increased and by deleting purchases the stock quantity of products will be decreased. When creating a purchase you can send a payment directly from the create page or you can do it later from the payments module. In order to create a purchase, you need to create Supplier, Products, VAT Rates, and Account first.

Required fields to create a purchase
Supplier => Supplier from whom you are purchasing. Select a supplier from the list.
Select Products => Products that you want to purchase. You can select single or multiple products from the list.
Purchase Tax => Tax that you want to use for this purchase. Select a tax rate from the list.
Account(If you wish to add payment) => The account that you want to use for this purchase payment. Select an account from the list. The available balance must be greater than the paying amount.

Puchases List

Create Purchase

Edit Purchase

Purchase Details

Purchase Returns

Purchase Return module allow you to manage products return for any purchase. By creating purchase returns the stock quantity of products will be decreased and by deleting purchases the stock quantity of products will be increased. You can create a maximum of one return from any specific purchase. The cost of return products will be adjusted with the purchase due automatically. If the cost of return products is greater than due then the due will be adjusted and the reaming amount will be added to the account as Account Receivable.

Required fields to create a purchase return
Supplier => Supplier to whom you are returning. Select a supplier from the list.
Select Products (Optional) => Products that you want to return. It will filter your purchases and will show the specific purchases that contain the selected products. It helps when you forgot any purchase number.
Purchases => List of the purchases for the selected supplier. You can select any purchase from the list and it will show you all the products for the selected purchase.
Account(If cost of return product greater than due) => The account that you want to use to receive the Account Receivable. Select an account from the list.

Puchases Returns List

Create Purchase Return

Edit Purchase Return

Purchase Return Details


Quotation management helps to improve your sales. You can create a quotation and then send the quotation to your client. Later if you get approval for the quotation you will be able to create a sell from directly the quotation. A quotation will not have any impact on the inventory. In order to create a quotation, you need to create Client, Products, Purchases, and VAT Rates, first.

Required fields to create a quotation
Client => Client to whom you are sending the quotation. Select a client from the list.
Select Products => Products that you want to include in the quotation. You can select single or multiple products from the list. After selecting a product add the quantity and the price.
Quotation Tax => Tax that you want to use for this quotation. Select a tax rate from the list.

Quotations List

Create Quotation

Edit Quotation

Quotation Details


Invoices can be referred to as sales. The invoices module allows you to manage sales for your products. By creating invoices the stock quantity of products will be decreased and by deleting invoices the stock quantity of products will be increased. When creating an invoice you can add a payment directly from the create page or you can do it later from the payments module. In order to create an invoice, you need to create Clients, Products, VAT Rates, and Accounts first.

Required fields to create an invoice
Client => Client to whom you are selling. Select a client from the list.
Select Products => Products that you want to sell. You can select single or multiple products from the list. After selecting a product add the quantity and the price.
Invoice Tax => Tax that you want to use for this invoice. Select a tax rate from the list.
Account(If you wish to add payment) => The account that you want to use for this invoice payment. Select an account from the list.

Invoice List

Create Invoice

Edit Invoice

Invoice Details

Invoice Return

Invoice Return module allow you to manage products return for any invoice. By creating invoice returns the stock quantity of products will be increased and by deleting purchases the stock quantity of products will be decreased. You can create a maximum of one return from any specific invoice. The cost of return products will be adjusted with the invoice due automatically. If the cost of return products is greater than due then the due will be adjusted and the reaming amount will be deducted from the account as Account Payable.

Required fields to create a invoice return
Supplier => Supplier to whom you are returning. Select a supplier from the list.
Select Products (Optional) => Products that you want to return. It will filter your purchases and will show the specific purchases that contain the selected products. It helps when you forgot any purchase number.
Purchases => List of the purchases for the selected supplier. You can select any purchase from the list and it will show you all the products for the selected purchase.
Account(If cost of return product greater than due) => The account that you want to use to sent the Account Payable. Select an account from the list.

Invoice Return List

Create Invoice Return

Edit Invoice Return

Invoice Return Details

Invoice Payments

Invoice payments module allows you to manage invoice payments. Using this module you can create payments for invoices. While creating invoice payments you can select single or multiple invoices and add payments for the selected invoices. In order to create invoice payments, you must create invoices first.

Required fields to create a invoice payment
Client => Client from whom you want to receive invoice payment. Select a client from the list.
Select Invoice =>Invoices for which you want to receive payments. After selecting a client you will see the due invoices of the selected client. Select at least one invoice from the list.
Account => The receiving account. The total amount will be added to the selected account. Select an account from the list.

Invoice Payment List

Create Invoice Payment

Edit Invoice Payment

Invoice Payment Details

Non Invoice Payments

Non Invoice payments module helps you manage non-invoice dues and payments for your clients. Using this module you can bring your client dues and payments from your previous software to ERP.Diawan. You must create a non-invoice due first in order to create non-invoice payments.

Required fields to create a non-invoice payment
Client => Client from whom you want to add due or receive invoice payment. Select a client from the list.
Type => If you want to add non-invoice due then select due otherwise select add payment to receive payment.
Amount => Due amount or the receiving amount.
Account(If you select add payment) => The receiving account. The amount will be added to the selected account. Select an account from the list.

Non Invoice Payments List

Create Non Invoice Payment

Edit Non Invoice Payment

Purchase Payments

Purchase payments module allows you to manage purchase payments. Using this module you can create payments for purchases. While creating purchase payments you can select single or multiple purchases and sent payments for the selected purchases. In order to create purchase payments, you must create purchases first.

Required fields to create a purchase payment
Supplier => Supplier to whom you want to sent purchase payment. Select a supplier from the list.
Select Purchase =>Purchases for which you want to sent payments. After selecting a supplier you will see the due purchases of the selected supplier. Select at least one purchase from the list.
Account => The paying account. The total amount will be sent from the selected account. Select an account from the list. The available balance must be greater than the Total Payment.

Purchase Payments List

Create Purchase Payment

Edit Purchase Payment

Purchase Payment Details

Non Purchase Payments

Non Purchase payments module helps you manage non-purchase dues and payments for your suppliers. Using this module you can bring your supplier dues and payments from your previous software to ERP.Diawan. You must create a non-purchase due first in order to create non-purchase payments.

Required fields to create a non-purchase payment
Supplier => Client to whom you want to add due or sent purchase payment. Select a supplier from the list.
Type => If you want to add non-purchase due then select due otherwise select add payment to sent payment.
Amount => Due amount or the paying amount.
Account(If you select add payment) => The paying account. The amount will be deducted from the selected account. Select an account from the list. The available balance must be greater than the paying amount.

Non Purchase Payments List

Create Non Purchase Payment

Edit Non Purchase Payment

Loan Authorities

Loan authorities module allows you to add loan provider authorities. Loan authorities can be Bank, NGO, family members, friends, etc. After creating Loan authorities you will be able to ass loan from these authorities.

Required fields to create a loan authority
Name => Name of the loan authority. It can be a Bank name, NGO name, Family member name, Friend name, etc.
Contact Number => Contact number of the loan authority.
Cash Credit (CC) Loan Limit => A cash credit comes with a borrowing limit determined by the creditworthiness of the borrower. A company can withdraw funds up to its established borrowing limit. You can write the limit here.

Loan Authorities List

Create Loan Authority

Edit Authority

Authority Details


Loans module helps you to add loans to your account. Using this module you can manage your bank loan calculations and keep track of the loan payments. After adding a loan the loan amount will be added to the selected account. ERP.Diawan will allow you to create 2 types of loans and these are CC loans and Term loans. For a CC loan, you will pay the interest manually while paying the loan payment. For the term loan, the monthly payment rate and interest will be calculated automatically. You must create at least loan authority first in order to create any loan.

Required fields to create a loan
Loan Authority => Authority who is providing the loan.. Select a authority from the list.
Loan Reason => Reason for your loan. You can add any reason as plain text.
Reference => Reference for the loan. Please use a meaningful reference because you will need to use this reference later in the loan payments module to select the loan.
Amount => Loan amount. The amount will be added to the selected account.
Loan Type => Type of the loan. There are 2 types of loans available in the sytem. If you are willing to add a term loan then select term loan otherwise select CC loan.
Payment Type(If term loan is selected.) => Loan payment type. You can select daily, monthly or yearly payment type trom the select box.
Duration(If term loan is selected.) => Duration of the loan. Enter the duration based on payment type. For example, if your loan duration is 2 years and you are selecting payment type monthly then you need to enter 24 in the duration input field.

Loan List

Create Loan

Edit Loan

Loan Details

Loan Payments

Loan payments module helps add payments for your loans. Using this module you can make payments for your unpaid loans. You must create loans first in order to create loan payments.

Required fields to create a loan payment
Loan => Client to whom you want to add due or sent purchase payment. Select a supplier from the list.
Reference => Select a loan for which you want to make payment. Identify your loan by your loan reference. Select a loan from the list.
Account => The paying account. The payment amount will be sent from the selected account. Select an account from the list. The available balance must be greater than the Payment Amount.
Amount(If paying for a CC loan) => The paying amount. For the term loan, the amount will be calculated autometically.

Loan Payments List

Create Loan Payments

Edit Loan Payment

Loan Payment Details


Asset management module helps you manage your company assets and their deprecation. We have implemented straight line depreciation method to calculate the deprecation. You can also create assets without any deprecation. In order to create any asset, you need to create an asset type first.

Required fields to create a loan payment
Asset Name => Name of the asset. You can enter any name.
Asset Type => Type(Category) of the asset. Select an asset type from the list.
Asset Cost => The current value of your asset. Enter a number as the asset cost.
Depreciation => If the asset has deprecation then select yes otherwise select no.
Depreciation Type(If the asset has deprecation) => Select a deprecation type. You can select yearly deprecation or monthly deprecation.
Salvage Value(If the asset has deprecation) => Salvage value is the estimated book value of an asset after depreciation is complete.
Useful Life(If the asset has deprecation) => The useful life of an asset is an accounting estimate of the number of years it is likely to remain in service for the purpose of cost-effective revenue generation.

Asset Types List

Create Asset Type

Edit Asset Type

Assets List

Create Asset

Edit Asset

Asset Details


Payroll module helps you manage your employee salaries and other payments. Using the payroll module you can generate monthly salaries for your employees.

Required fields to create a payroll
Employee => Employee for whom you want to create payroll. Select an employee from the list.
Salary Month => Salaray month. Select a month from the list.
Account => The paying account. The total amount will be sent from the selected account. Select an account from the list. The available balance must be greater than the total amount.

Employee Payroll List

Create Payroll

Edit Payroll

Payroll Details


Inventory module helps you keep track of your product stocks. You can see the average purchase price, selling price, current stock, and inventory value. You can also see your inventory history(Stock In and Stock Outs) from this module.

Inventory List

Inventory History

Inventory Adjustments

Inventory Adjustments module allows you to adjust your product stock. You can increase or decrease your current stock using this module. While creating an adjustment if you select increment the product stock will increase on the other hand if you select decrement then the product stock will decrease.

Required fields to create an inventory adjustment
Employee => Employee for whom you want to create payroll. Select an employee from the list.
Salary Month => Salaray month. Select a month from the list.
Account => The paying account. The total amount will be sent from the selected account. Select an account from the list. The available balance must be greater than the total amount.

Inventory Adjustments List

Create Adjustment

Edit Adjustment

Inventory Adjustment Details


From the profile page, you can update your information such as your name. email, password. While updating your profile leave the password fields empty if you don’t want to update your password.

Required fields to update profile
Name => Your name. Enter your name.
Email => Your email. The email will be used for login so please use a valid and unique email.

Update Profile

Database Backup

Database backup module helps you to keep your database backup. Currently, you will be able to take the backup in SQL format. We will add support for the other format in the coming future. If anything goes wrong you will be able to restore the system using the backup database. So we recommend you keep at least one backup per week. In order to make the database backup please add the MySQL DUMP_PATH on the .env file. Find your MySQL dump path and then add it to the .env file. It will be something like to below path: DUMP_PATH=C:\\laragon\bin\mysql\mysql-5.7.33-winx64\bin\mysqldump

Database Backup

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet report shows you the current summary of your business. In the Incomes section(on the left side) you will see the value of your total assets, inventory, client dues, and available account balances whereas in the Liabilities column you will see supplier dues, and bank loan amount. The Balance Sheet will update automatically based on your activities and transactions.

Balance Sheet

Summary Report

Summary Report report shows you the current activities of your business for a selected month and year. You can select the month and year to see a specific monthly summary report. The summary report will give you information about Opening Balance, Sales, Accounts Collection, Expenses, Transfer, and Closing Balance.

Summary Report

Profit/Loss Report

Profit/Loss Report shows you the gross and net Profit or Loss information for a selected date range. Gross profit/loss shows the profit/loss for each product whereas Net profit/loss shows you the total profit or loss for the selected date range. If you want to see the Net profit/loss then you need to select the Net Profit/Loss from the select option.

Gross Profit/Loss Report

Net Profit/Loss Report

Expense Report

Expense Report shows you the expenses for a selected date range. You can see the specific category and sub-category expenses by selecting the category and sub-category.

Expense Report

Item Report

Item Report report shows you the stock in and stock out information for a selected product and date range. You can select any product and date range to see the report.

Item Report

Inventory Report

Inventory Report Report shows you the Stock In, Stock Out information for a selected date range. You can see the specific category and sub-category product inventory report by selecting the category and sub-category. In order to see the inventory report please select category, sub category, product, and date range properly.

Inventory Report

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